Tag Archives: spray paint

This Old House

My husband and I live in an old house in an old neighborhood. No, not the “good” old, you know – like the cute little houses in my favorite ‘hoods in Austin – I’m talking 1959 old. Not old enough to be cool, but old enough to be fugly. We rent it, and have (somehow) lived here for 8 years. I’m pretty sure this started out as very temporary housing, but a combination of job layoffs and me being lazy = staying put for now.

Luckily, since we rent from a family member, we can pretty much do what we want to the house – because if we’re being honest, anything would be an improvement! The other day, when I was spray painting the media console shelves, I sprayed part of the old iron column on the front porch. Black. Why? I don’t know – lack of impulse control? Anyway, it got me thinking that I could easily make that column look better, so that’s exactly what I did today. The whole process took me about an hour, not including drying time for all the paint.

before iron columsTold you it was ugly.

See all that rust? Yuck! I was going to use sandpaper, but then Sars (or was it Christie?) suggested using a wire brush instead. So smart! I scraped off all of the nasty rust and a lot of the old, cracked paint. I couldn’t get it all because my wire brush wasn’t small enough, but I got most of it. I’m glad it was outside, because it was nice and dusty when I was doing that!

supplies needed

These are the supplies I bought at Home Depot (while we were at the Do-It-Herself Clinic with Shanty2Chic) – $27 or so. I decided to go with plain white instead of some crazy color (which is totally my style, but it would look really strange to have a hot pink or lime green old-school iron column in this house).

Once all the rust and chipped paint was gone, I used Kilz spray primer on the entire thing – and it definitely took the entire can. I think I may be a little heavy handed with primer, because I always run out!

I took a break and caught up on Grey’s Anatomy while the primer dried. There may or may not have been a nap as well, but I digress.


That picture was taken after one coat of spray paint. Don’t mind the plastic bags at the bottom, that was my makeshift solution for not spraying the porch. Yeah – don’t do that, it doesn’t work. Now I have to figure out how to get spray paint off of the concrete at the bottom of the column!

side column

This picture really shows me that I need to spray down the house/windows. Oops. While the paint was drying, I decided to make a house number sign. Important people can never find our house because there have never been any house numbers on it (you know, pizza guys, UPS, Publisher’s Clearinghouse, etc.)! I whipped out my trusty Silhouette, spent an hour picking out the font, and finally printed out the numbers.

address sign before

I’ve got approximately 35 pieces of scrap wood just hanging around (leftover from the O Holy Night signs – I figured I might as well cut it all and use it eventually, right?) so I grabbed one and spray painted it white. This took 3 coats because the plywood just sucks the paint right up, much like the MDF from the media console.

address sign during

I barely had room for the numbers! (By the way, I may be tricking you with the house number – you don’t know me! Don’t be a stalker!) Again, I would have made it more my style, but I wanted simple and easy to see, so I went with boring black and white. I ran the numbers through the Xyron, stuck them on, and sprayed it with clear coat. After that dried, I drilled a hole in each corner and (for now) we put it on the column with clear zip ties. I may switch that out sometime soon, but it was an easy solution and it will hold up to the weather. I’d be happy to hear any other ideas you have!

finished signcloseup

This simple, quick, inexpensive project made a huge difference! It also made me realize how dirty the siding and windows are – so that may be my next project. Anyone have any tips on powerwashing?

Today's Creative Blog


Monday’s Minute Makeover

Hi y’all. You missed me, didn’t you?? πŸ™‚

Last week flew by for some reason. My only excuse.

I have this week’s minute makeover. Remember that little post back 2 Fridays ago. You know the one where I took my husband on a thrift shop dateΒ for the Young House LoveUnofficial Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge“, and I scored that awesome set of 3 little white ceramic deer.

3 deer

Hi 80s taffeta ascots!

I know you’re all thinking “why in the world would she get rid of those awesome ascots they’re wearing?” Well, let me tell you why. What you can’t see about these “lovely” ribbons is the jingle bell hiding in there somewhere. And also, I’m not really a red person, or a deer dressed with an ascot kind of person either. Its probably just me though. I’m sure y’all love it. Too bad they’re mine. πŸ˜›

3 deer no bowNaked and ready for their makeover.Β 

bare back

“Oh no! She forgot to paint my good side!”

THIS is the spray paint I should have used on my silver Christmas yard balls. It goes on nice and smooth, and all over my hand. I’ve just decided I’m a messy painter. Its beginning to be embarrassing.
3 silver deer

ANNNNNND they’re done.Β 

They’re super cute and less creepy in silver than in white. I wonder if my husband would notice if I just left them year round. Hmmmm.

Time for this makeover : 20 minutes at most. That includes de-ribboning, tagging the sticker tags and washing the residue from the tags off.


Β A “police” body outline. I humor myself if you can’t tell.

We’re all getting very good at thrift shopping or Craigslisting, like I did this weekend. I got some awesome gold (or brass) lamps, a big a$$ mirror and some Corningware. One cannot have too much Corningware.

Anyone get anything good this weekend?? I know Heather was “poppin’ tags” on a fabulous find for her house.


Pin there. Done that. – the week I was defeated by paint.

Well y’all, we’re in the swing of the Christmas season. Houses gettin’ decorated, gifts bein’ bought and Christmas treats bakin’. It’s a wonderful time of year!

We’ve slowly started decorating, you know, as much as you can with 3 kids running behind you and moving what you’re doing, pulling mini pine cones off the new Christmas tree. It is so much fun! πŸ™‚ Along with decorating the inside, this year I wanted to branch out and go outside with some easy decor. This weekend marks one year since we moved in, so I didn’t have much of an idea of what I wanted to do outside last year. This year, though, I’ve had my idea picked out for months!

If you’re a fan on Facebook, maybe you’ll remember this picture …

It’s the BIG reveal! πŸ˜›

Source: bhg.com via Tarah on Pinterest


This project was suppose to be simple and easy. Go to Walmart (which I detest) for those large kids’ rubber balls, get some silver/chrome spray paint and ribbon and BOOM! It’s done. Uhhh, not so much. The balls and ribbon were easy to get. The spray paint, while it is easy to purchase, picking the right one is a whole other story! I picked some up at HobLob for another project that I didn’t get to. I was going to use it, then I found some Rustoleum Chrome spray paint at Walmart. We went outside on Sunday and I started painting my balls (bwhahahah! I said balls!) and the wind was crazy. I was covered in silver paint (and got a few derogatory comments from my husband about the paint being all over me), but I was done painting plastic bouncy balls. EXCELLENT!

PROBLEM #1 – Hmmm, how am I going to make these balls stay in my yard?
Solution – Husband had stakes.

PROBLEM #2 – How am I going to get the stakes on the balls?
Solution – Fishing line around the balls. (In case you don’t, you should ALWAYS have some fishing line around the house. You never know when you might need it!)

Awesome! Let’s pick up these balls and get busy!

enter …

PROBLEM #3 – They aren’t DRY!
Solution – Let them dry over night.

24 hours later …

PROBLEM #INFINITE – They still aren’t DRY! Are you KIDDING me?

I put those bad boys out in the yard anyway, made some bows and BAM! I have big silver ornaments in my yard! And my hands are silver again ….

I’m going to go ahead and say it … while they LOOK fabulous and I know y’all are jealous of my silver balls! The spray paint was a big fat FAIL! Painted on Sunday, and today, they STILL are not dry.

How is everyone else’s holiday decorating coming along? I know Heather’s house is all prettied up with all the crafts she’s been doing!

From stripes to polka dots – vanity stool makeover

I guess I’ve always been a DIY girl at heart. Apparently, I take after my mother, who had spray paint in her bloodstream – or that’s what I hear, at least. She was always crafty and creative – I guess I did get that from her (along with attitude and looks).

My wedding in 2004 was largely DIY – by choice. This was back in the day before Pinterest too! I had The Knot and that’s about it. Anyway, my aunt lived in Boerne (near San Antonio) at the time, and invited me and my friends down for a “DIY Bachelorette Weekend” a couple of months before my wedding. We made tomato cage centerpieces (I still love those things), wreaths, and these vanity stools. I still remember the paint color that we were all so in love with – Kalamata by Martha Stewart. So of course, we painted the legs in that color. I found fabric that matched and was my style at the time, and that was a really easy project.

Now, in 2012, my style has changed. A lot. I still love the fabric and paint on the original stools, but they don’t match anything in my house anymore. Enter hot pink spray paint and polka dot fabric. HUGE difference.

Two coats of spray paint later, I think she’s ready. Seeing as how it is over 100 degrees here in Texas, it doesn’t take too long to dry. It dries pretty much immediately, which is good for people like me who need instant gratification.

Hi, look who needs to mow the yard/driveway. Pardon our crappy, crappy rent house foundation.

I just left the old fabric on the stool because it’s going to get thrown away anyway, and let’s face it, I’m lazy and didn’t really think about it until after I started going crazy with the spray paint. My neighbor drove by while I was painting and shook her head at me (she doesn’t like me because I make not so subtle comments about her and her white trash family on the regular – I’ve never seen a family yell at each other that much, seriously). If I were a mean person, I would go tag her ugly minivan with some leftover hot pink spray paint – that would make a great post, huh? She probably doesn’t like hot pink spray paint, although I’m not sure how she thinks she can judge – her house is yellow and blue and has those 80’s ducks everywhere. It’s lovely, really.

Anyway, back on topic.

I’m reusing the foam that was on the stool already, because it’s still in good shape. I cut the polka dot fabric larger than the seat, because it has to wrap around and be stapled to the bottom of the stool.

Iron the fabric, wrap it around, staple it to the bottom – complete!

Well, I found out that I pretty much suck at the stapling of fabric to a rectangular piece of wood, so don’t look too closely. Apparently it is not a good idea to approach it like wrapping a gift box, but oh well. I’ll be a little more precise with the second one, I just wanted to get this one finished! Looking at the picture, I can now see a few spots I missed, so I will be touching up a little bit once I take my butt to Home Depot for more spray paint.

Paint color: Rustoleum Ultra Cover 2x in Gloss “Berry Pink”

Fabric: Robert Allen@Home Dotscape in Charcoal


Weekend Bloggy Reading

Thistlewood Farms All About Color Party