Tag Archives: fall

Sweet potato-apple dish

Sweet potato-apple dish

We love sweet potatoes in our house. We especially love this sweet potato-apple dish. My mother-in-law started this dish, but I’ve changed it a bit. Her version has cranberries, and while I love cranberries, they aren’t always readily available. I normally just make it with the potatoes and apples, but this past few times I’ve added in the pecans. It’s like a nice fall evening in your mouth. (I even made myself laugh with that one)

Sweet potato-appleI just wanted y’all to see my awesome photography and photo styling skills. Maybe I should start a new hobby.


I know, I know. It’s not Tex-Mex or Mexican food. Pick your jaw up off the ground. 😉






Recipe – Mac-n-cheese

HI! I bet you were thinking this blog had just turned into Real {Cheap} Housewife Heather of Texas. Well, it hasn’t. I’ve had sick kids and a sick self in the last week. TODAY, I finally feel 65% better. Of course, by this afternoon might be a different story since I’ll try to take on the world and I’ll most likely be on death’s doorstep tonight. Clearly my house could benefit from our Seventh Generation giveaway! BUT since I can’t enter, maybe you should.

We celebrated my husband’s birthday last Friday (he’s older than me, btw!) and he requested a specific meal. He absolutely loves my mac-n-cheese. I use to make it all the time, but now I only make it for special occasions. It’s not exactly the most healthy part of a meal. Since I started making this from scratch, I’ve only bought the box stuff about 5 times, and that was typically for the kids’ lunch. Even then, the boys both turn their noses up at it. My daughter hasn’t learned to appreciate the goodness of my mac-n-cheese. But I digress because she will learn.

As The Pioneer Woman (I’m sure you’ve all heard of her) would say … The Cast of Characters

Prep time :: 20 minutes | Cook time :: 30 minutes | Serves :: 8

Whole Wheat elbow macaroni (12-13 oz is what I had on hand)
1/2 cup milk
3 TBsp butter (not margarine)
8 oz Velveeta
8 oz cream cheese (do not use fat free/low fat, it does not melt)
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2 cup 2 different grated cheeses (I chose Colby Jack and Mozzarella)
2-3 slices of bread (I use whole wheat)

Oven preheated 400*
Follow directions on box of macaroni.
I normally cut the Velveeta and cream cheese into smaller cubes.
In a large sauce pan, melt the butter and stir in milk. Once the butter is melted, add in 6 oz of the Velveeta and 6oz of cream cheese. Set the rest back for later use. Add in sour cream and the grated cheeses. Keep stirring.

Once it seems thick and melted, add in macaroni. Your sauce should be stringy. Take a 8×8 square baking dish (not pan, think Pyrex or Corningware) and transfer the macaroni covered in sauce to the baking dish.

Once you have it all evened out in the baking dish, take the extra cream cheese and Velveeta and do a little “hide and seek” with it for a little special gooeyness in the middle. (see picture)

Top it off with some extra grated cheese and the sliced bread cut into cubes for a little crunch.

….and of course, I apparently forgot to get a finishing picture. 😦 I guess you’ll have to make it to know what it looks like. 🙂

Be sure to check out Whitney’s White Chicken Chili recipe and look at the beautiful chairs I’m totally stealing from Heather for my craft room.

Pin there. Done that. – A finishing touch

I’ve been bizzz-say this week, y’all.

I did one big project on Sunday. I’m in love with it. I did a sneak peek or 2 on Facebook (which you should be following if you aren’t). And, of course, I’m going to blog about it. I’m a generous giving person like that. I know you’ll all be jealous of it. While doing this project I decided I hate, hate, hatttteee Halloween decorations. I’d just rather skip of them all together. I know, last week’s Pin there. was my knock-off ghosts of knock-off ghosts, which are Halloween decorations. Let me tell you, those things are barely hanging on outside because my porch is so windy! I’ve had to move one from the middle of the other 2 and fix them because they’ve become ‘naked’ a time of two. Since I’ve removed all my Halloween decor (which will most likely be listed on Craigslist because it’s AWFUL!), I’ve put up my fall pumpkins and scarecrows. They’re awfully cute! My mantle is lacking though, mainly because the ceilings in my living room at 20+ feet. All my current stuff seems so miniature.

Enter cute solution!


I was going to try a burlap garland, but my “Real Redneck Husband”, as he called himself, said he doesn’t care for burlap. Actually, he said he hated it. Who does he think he is having a say? Hmmph.

So … the above pin. Chicken WIRE! Seriously, how CUTE is that thing. I die.

These would have been easier to cut had the chicken wire not been in a roll. Yes, chicken wire comes in a roll. Not genius. Not genius at all. 

Courtney at A Diamond in the Stuff used rusted chicken wire with chipboard letters. I’ll say she was right on the money using the chipboard. I chose to cut out letters on my Cricut using scrapbook paper. It’s a bit flimsy, but you know what, it works.

Hot glue, add ribbon and viola!

Oh, what’s that? An aqua star and brown wall. WHAT???

See how the letters curve a bit? That’s because it was a roll of chicken wire. 

I LOVE this little guy. It completes my mantle that I was having a hard time finishing. After a chat with Heather, she helped me think. And again, if you follow us on Facebook, you will see there’s NO chevron pattern/print. I hate it, in case you haven’t heard.

Side note, I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy. It’s really hard to blog while the handsome Patrick Dempsey is on the screen. I wouldn’t advise trying to think with handsome men on the TV screen.


Am I the only one that hates Halloween decorations? Am I the last one to decorate for fall? 

Katie's Nesting Spot


Linking up with Bear Rabbit Bear for Things I’ve Done Thursday

Pin there. Done that. {wk 8}



Thursday’s Pin there. Done that.

I did it. I did that pin. I’m completely awesome (and not modest at all). I pinned this over there summer. I’m not big on actually decorating for Halloween. Since we have kids, I’ve decided to do a little “non-scary” decor – meaning fun stuff. These cute cheesecloth ghosts are definitely not scary at all.

Ashley at Simply Designing created her own version of the Pottery Barn ghosts. I followed her lead and I created MY own version. I looked for the styrofoam balls, found them and the prices of them were just not for me. Who pays $14.00 for an 8″ ball? NOT me, that’s who. So I set out in search of something cheaper, much cheaper.

Enter Dollar Tree and these super cute little guys.

They are trick-or-treat bags. Bonus, they have the little ghost faces. SCORE! AND bonus, they only cost $1 each. Also, to make them plump, I bought some white tissue paper to stuff in them – found at Dollar Tree. So far, we’re talking about $4.

The stuffing in process

Next step – the cheese cloth. I found mine in a 6 yd package. Coincidentally, I needed 6 yards. This was a little more pricey – $6.99, BUT guess who had a 40% off coupon. THIS GIRL! 

The “tearing of the cheesecloth” process

Soooo … while I was making my ghosts. The TV was on, husband was watching a movie and the dogs were in. I look up and find my company like this ….


Both of them … sound asleep. (I’ll owe ONE of these guys something for posting this)

Since they weren’t any help, I forged on with my ghosts. At least THEY were good company. These little guys were definitely so easy to make. It’s dark outside, so I can’t hang them up just yet, but they’ll get done.

They may or may not look like ghostly jellyfish.

My cheesecloth isn’t as long as the original knock-offs, but they’re going to work perfectly. The kids will love them. How can you beat $8.50 for a set of 3 ghost Halloween decorations?

Katie's Nesting Spot

Somewhat Simple

I’m linking up with Bear Rabbit Bear for Things I’ve Done!

Be sure to follow us on Pinterest.

Pin there. Done that. {wk 7}

Hey, did y’all know it was Thursday? Yeah, it just dawned on me last night that today, is in fact Thursday. Those nice holiday Mondays do it to me every time!

Since it’s October, the official month of the pumpkin, I’m sharing a pin I’ve been using every week for the last few weeks. It IS a food pin.


It’s even better when I remember to actually POST the pin I used, unlike last week. Yeah, I know, I totally forgot!

These pumpkin pancakes are fabulous. HOWEVER, here’s a little secret – I use Wheat and Honey Pancake mix. Shhhh! I’m a cheater. I, also, use Penzey’s Pumpkin Pie Spice mix. Let’s just be honest, who really likes measuring out all that stuff. Oh, is it just me? (I know of another Lazy Wife that probably isn’t a big measurer either :P)

My children LOVE pancakes. LOVE them. And most of the time we don’t eat pancakes in the morning. We typically have one dinner a week that is “Breakfast for dinner”. If you don’t do it, you definitely should. The first time we did, it really threw them for a loop. They were so confused. Now they always ask if/when we’re having it. (Of course, I also get the “are we having salad?” asked as well. It is NOT Jaxon’s favorite meal of the week)

I’m always looking for good recipes to try, except the one Heather tried.  Anyone have one they can share?

Next week, you’re in for a treat. I have a baby shower that I’m attending on Sunday and I’m  giving the sweet mommy-to-be and baby Gracie some awesome gifts!


I’m linking up with Bear Rabbit Bear for Things I’ve Done Thursday!


Etsy – Fabulous finds!

I’m alive! 🙂 My sweet Savannah had the stomach bug for 6-8 hours, I, on the other hand, had it for 48 hours. It’s the gift that just keeps giving. Awesome.

We’ve all heard of Pinterest, Facebook and Google. Surely y’all have heard of Etsy. I absolutely LOVE Etsy. I have bought many items – birthday t-shirts, hairbows (oh the hair bows!) and a few other things. I also have a shop (which I am not going to pimp out, in case you’re wondering).

Etsy is all things wonderful. Handmade beauties (and uglies). Craft stuff. Artwork. Vintage items. ALL TYPES of THINGS, good …. and bad, and …. worse. As I mentioned the good. There are so many many wonderful crafters and artists out there and on Etsy. Some big, some small.

Let’s start with some fabulous finds!

The other girls know I have a love for wreaths. I have a Pinterest board specifically for wreaths. I’ve made many of them. (click on the pin and visit the Etsy shops)

ItzFitz – Fall In Line 12in

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Paris Marketplace – Halloween Pillow with Subway Art

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Running Bobbin Designs – Candy Corn matching brother and sister
(I bought the little green alien pillowcase dress for Savannah’s Halloweeen costume. Excellent work and service!)

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


AzaleaTrail – BROWN BLUE PAISLEY Autumn Apron
(She’s like an online antique store! She has Laura Ingalls Wilder books! AWESOME!)

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


I’ve shown you some fabulous finds on Etsy. I didn’t intend to make it a “Fall” showcase, but I do have fall on my mind. Saturday afternoon I will bring out the Halloween and fall decorations.

What are you fabulous finds on Etsy? Have an “worse” finds to share?

It’s Finally Fall!

I have been waiting and waiting for cooler weather to hit so that I could start to decorate for fall. I don’t know about y’all, but it is impossible for me to get in the seasonal decorating mood until the seasonal weather hits. If it’s fall, the weather needs to be cool and crisp for me to decorate. Winter/Christmas needs to be cold and blustery (or at least cold enough to necessitate pants and long sleeves) before I can break out all the Christmas decor bins (I have at least 12, don’t judge).

Anyway, last weekend it was cool and rainy all weekend long, leaving us with no soccer game and a home-bound husband since he can’t mow yards in the rain. Which meant he could get in the attic and bring stuff down! Now, I only have 1 bin of fall/Halloween decor but I am thinking I really need to add to that. I may need to hit up the Hobby Lobby soon!

Without further ado, here are my attempts at fall decor. Not professional by any means, but I think it is pretty good for me, seeing as how up until a couple years ago I didn’t decorate for fall at all. I love to look at all the fancy blogs and fall decorating link-ups but man, do I feel inadequate when I see all their cuteness. My mantle doesn’t even begin to compare, but it makes my son happy. That’s all that matters. 🙂

On the left there is a pumpkin on a plate–this was from our Fall/Christmas Pinterest Party last year, at my aunt’s house. Here is a closer shot:

Brittaney brought the supplies for everyone and it couldn’t have been easier. She found the cute styrofoam pumpkins (all different shapes, colors, etc.) and the plates at the Dollar Store, I think. So, super cheap. We cut the pumpkins in half so they would lay flat on the plate, hot-glued them on, and then added a ribbon. Couldn’t have been easier. It would also be really easy to do something along these lines for Christmas as well.

This button pumpkin was made last year at our Pinterest Party at Brittaney’s house (when she was still living in College Station). We used foam pumpkin sheets as our template and either glued buttons straight to the foam or traced the pumpkin on another piece of paper. Glue the buttons on, overlapping and filling in as necessary, until you get the look you are going for. Since I am a bit on the OCD side, it took me quite a bit longer than the other girls, but I love how it turned out. Slap it on some fall-ish scrapbook paper, add a wine cork (cut down the middle so it lays flat), and put it in an extra frame you have lying around (no glass due to the cork).

Oh, another fun time for my OCD nature (why do I do this to myself?? See Peppermint Wreath)!! I loved seeing all the candy corn wreaths on Pinterest and really wanted one for myself. So, again last year at Brittaney’s, a few of us attempted these. After ALOT of candy corns and hot glue (and lots of burns), we were done. It didn’t take as long as I had imagined but it wasn’t super quick, either. I did SEVERAL coats of clear-coat spray paint, in the hopes that it would last more than one year and it did! I hang it inside during the fall, but we stored it in a trash bag in a rubber bin in the attic last year and it even survived that heat! I still love it.

My front door. I got the fall leaf garland on sale at Michael’s a couple of years ago and made the Pom-Pom Wreath from Hell at Brittaney’s Pinterest Party last year. Add in my 2 huge mums from Costco and we are set until Thanksgiving.

I scooped this adorable sign up at Michael’s as well.

So that’s the extent of my fall decor. Not overly impressive but enough for us. I would love to add more this year, though, so I need more ideas so share your pics with us. Leave your link in the comments or post on our Facebook page!

Here are the links to our past Pinterest Party crafts as well:

Fall Pinterest Party 2011

Christmas Pinterest Party 2011

Christmas Pinterest Party II 2011

August Pinterest Party 2012



I am so tired of this heat already! Last weekend, the highs were in the upper 70’s and then this week, it crept back up to the upper 90’s. It was such a tease. Sure, the mornings are nice, but they don’t last long. So, in an effort to forget about the heat and coax the fall weather into returning for good, my favorite pins this week are all fall-themed. Come on, fall!


Love this little pumpkin tree! I am sure it is a very time consuming project, but would be so cute on my mantle! And the blog it links to doesn’t give a tutorial, it’s just a picture on one of their posts, so it may not even be something they made. But it looks like something you could DIY for sure!



Source: etsy.com via Whitney on Pinterest


Another cute BOO sign. I think I might be obsessed. I definitely need to make one for Halloween!



Source: google.com via Whitney on Pinterest


I love this for our front door. Logan would love it, too!



Or this one.



So cute! And much easier than carving!


Anybody else ready for fall? Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons, mainly because of the mild weather (not too hot, not too cold). What are some things you can’t wait to do when it cools down?

Fall Silhouette Projects

If you don’t know what you can use a Silhouette Cameo for, pay attention! Here are a few cute fall projects to get you excited.


This little scarecrow cutout is FREE. Yeah, that’s right. Free. Did you know that every Tuesday, Silhouette’s Online Store has a free shape that you can download? They also put up clearance shapes where you can buy them for half price (.50). I’ve gotten so many good shapes from the clearance section!








Make sure to follow my Silhouette Ideas pinboard, as well as Silhouette America’s pinboards. You will find so much inspiration! Now go win that Cameo!


It’s officially September and I am so ready for fall weather. I am tired of breaking a sweat as soon as I step foot out of the house. I am ready for cool breezes and fall festivals and halloween. I think you could probably tell that by my pins this week, so here are a few of my favorites.


I love this BOO sign. I already know the perfect spot for it (in my front hallway…or maybe my front porch). I really hope I get around to attempting to make this. Although, I just clicked through and it doesn’t link to a blog or instructions, just a picture. So disappointing. Looking at it now, it looks like a pre-made sign that was just painted/decorated.



Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread. Enough said.


Source: rchotx.com via Whitney on Pinterest


Oh yes. My own pin. I will be “that” person. This is one of all-time favorite recipes. I am glad I finally got around to writing it down. So good any time of year, but it’s a warm pasta dish so it’s good for a chilly night.



Pasta e Fagioli Soup. Yum. I love this soup at Olive Garden but refuse to eat soup in the summer, so I will be making this as soon as the heat dies down.




I love handprint art. I am gearing up to start teaching preschool again in a couple weeks, so I am always on the lookout for cute craft ideas. I love the candy corn!


Are you ready for fall? Where we are (in Texas, duh) it will continue to be blazing hot until at least mid-October, probably longer. Maybe if I pin enough “fall” things, it will cool down sooner?? If you pin it, it will come?! No? Doesn’t work that way, huh?

Share your pins with me or better yet, follow me and I’ll follow you back!