Tag Archives: kids

4 Ways to get that ‘vacation feel’ at home

We are experiencing a very abnormal cold front in Dallas this week. Today the high was maybe 89? It was chilly on my way in to work in the A.M., I lunched on a patio and I drove home with my sunroof open.

Pure bliss.

Well, as much bliss as you can have between emails, phone calls, pagers going off (I work in health care and yes, we still use pagers) and screaming kids. A quick glance at my phone lock screen shows a photo of my husband and son running into the ocean this past Spring Break and immediately calms me down.
Seaside boys

In March, we were able to vacation in beautiful Seaside, FLSeaside

but the stars did not align to repeat that trip this summer. While there, I jotted down a few ideas of how I could have the ‘vacation feel’ at home. If you are only able to stay-cation this summer, I hope these tips will help you.

1. Get unplugged. When you are on vacation, you are focused on enjoying the weather, the sights, your family, food, fun and more. Being tied to technology takes a back seat to pure enjoyment on vacation, so why can’t it be like that at home on the weekends and after five? I have actually been trying this for some time. During the weekends I turn off the access to my work email, if there is an emergency, the important people know how to reach me via the phone. Replace your technology time with evening bike rides or swims, one-on-one dates with your children – or better yet, your spouse. Enjoy your time away from the office and live in the moment.

Seaside house

2. Clear your clutter. The home we stayed at in Seaside was a picturesque beach house. In fact, I was sure I had recognized the laundry room from a magazine. Turns out, I had pinned a photo of it several months ago. Besides the beautiful furnishings and finishes, what I really noticed in the house was the lack of clutter. Sure, no one lives there most of the year, but when the home owners or their guests are there, everything has a place. This past week I have been focusing on clearing out our clutter. It’s one thing to have stuffed everything in a closet so no one can see but it’s another to actually have a place for all your belongings. Sell or donate duplicates, shred once important but no longer needed documents and organize the rest.

3. Prioritize your commitments. The summer is a great time to re-focus on what’s really important to you and your family. With school out, it seems the family commitments begin to slow down. Re-evaluate how much of yourself you can give to your schools, church, women’s auxiliary, etc. If you are a perfectionist or an over-achiever, this can be hard. For the last two years, I have held very heavy volunteer positions with the Junior League of Dallas, I was beginning to get burned out and it made volunteering no longer fun. This year, I have scaled back and am already loving my new placement. I know my focus in the coming school year needs to be on my job and my son. Remember, no one is taking this time away from you. You are giving it to them. Choose wisely.

seaside with mack

4. Use white linens. Back at that beautiful Seaside house I noticed all of the linens were white. At my favorite hotels, the linens are white. There’s something about the freshness of white linens. Not only are they super easy to clean (throw in some bleach and they are like new) but the crispness of the white makes any room look sharp and put together. We’re about to begin a bathroom remodel and I’m already planning on clean, white towels and floor mats.

These simple ideas are just a few ways to help quiet your chaos and help you enjoy your summer. What are your favorite ways to enjoy summer vacation at home?


Pretty! Purple!

The long awaited “AWESOME” post I was going to do on Friday. My child is now feeling much better and I have found time (at 10pm while watching the Rangers FINALLY WIN in a week). Last week we were childless. The kids went for a visit to the grandparents and I had a list a mile long of projects to get done. I had some furniture piling up in the garage (my $20 Craigslist find, my dumpster dive and a free dresser from a friend). I started off Monday morning with a list, some money and some paint colors in my mind.

Which piece did I want to start with first? Well, since I am planning on reselling the Craigslist find and the dumpster dive find, I started with the piece that was staying in my house – the dresser.
RCHOTX | dresser makeover

I desperately wanted a purple. Not just any purple, a deep purple. In case you don’t know, none of our favorite paints that we mention continuously have a deep purple. I took to Pinterest and found a “recipe” to make something similar with non-sanded grout and latex paint. I can report back that it worked wonderfully.

DIY paint

Before putting the paint on, I did do a light sanding on the dresser because of the finish it had. I wanted that paint to stick. It most definitely stuck, 2 coats of it. 2 coats = 2 cups worth of paint. I only bought a quart to begin with because I don’t need a whole gallon of purple paint. Want a gallon? Yes. Need? Not so much.

After the 2 coats dried, I moved onto the wax. I stopped by a local retailer and picked up some Maison Blanche dark antique wax.

MB dark wax

I’m not a very good “waxer”. It definitely requires a skill set and I’m getting there.

dark wax

While I waited for the wax to set and “cure”, I decided what I wanted to do with the hardware. I was sure I wanted a dramatic look for this dresser. I went to my paint shelf to check out my spray paint collection. Aqua, bright chrome and purple just weren’t going to work, but the can of black spray paint that wasn’t even half-full. I was quite hopeful it would be enough. I was wrong. A text with a picture to the husband asking nicely for another can of black paint, and viola! I was the proud owner of a full can of spray paint.

After the black dried, I just topped it with a clear protective coat. I may or may not have missed a spot on one piece of hardware that I didn’t see until I was completely done.

pretty hardware

Now, with the furniture refinishes I’ve done, I always find that there’s something I did wrong or that I don’t like. This piece though. This piece I absolutely LOVE. LOVE!

purple after

How could you NOT love that? Its beautiful and definitely perfect for the dramatic “big girl” room that I have planned in my head for Savannah. I sent a picture of it to Heather and her reply “Pretty! Purple!” which was the inspiration of the title. 🙂

DIY Show Off

I linked up with Project Inspire{d}!



I linked up with Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday!

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

Vintage babydoll crib

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

WHAT IS THIS? Well, it is the vintage babydoll crib I used for my baby dolls when I was younger. What you don’t see, that I apparently forgot to take a picture of — an ugly bass fish sticker on the other side. This little piece of history is going to be used by my daughter but not before it’s had a little facelift makeover. It’s in need of one, don’t you think?

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

Purple is my favorite color. As you can see, I’m trying the force my love for purple on my child. Its what every good mom should do. I had this purple paint left over from painting her nursery at our last home. I’m going to start planning her “big girl” room soon, so I just decided to use this paint on small stuff.

Real Cheap Housewives of TexasAfter covering up the little bear and ugly bass fish, I felt that the ends needed something. Luckily, Heather thinks ahead and brought her stencil set from Royal Design Studio that she used on her Barcelona Orange dresser for her craft room. I just took some acrylic paints that I brought with me to the Pinterest Party. (If you go to our April Pinterest Party, you’ll see this pretty little makeover in the front. At least half of the makeover)

Real Cheap Housewives of TexasI know. You don’t have to say anything. It’s ugly. And most definitely does NOT go with the pretty purple crib. Time to fix it.

As our Facebook “likers” heard yesterday, I did something with fabric. You know, the person that doesn’t want to sew or do anything with fabric. I totally tried it. I left the ugly fabric on because I needed the thickness. However, it wasn’t enough so I had to add something else so that the staples from the staple gun wouldn’t go through.

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

Enter piece of cardboard. Yes, I totally used cardboard. Don’t judge. You work with what you got.

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

Please notice this piece of “wood” looks like it was a piece of 1970s paneling. See the little crease to the right side.

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas

 Look at that perfect corner and use of staples with the staple gun. Its almost like a hospital corner. Yes, I do make the beds with hospital corners WHEN they get made, which I’ll admit isn’t often enough.

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas


I chose a duck cloth to use for it’s durability. It is going to be used by a child and hopefully she’ll be able to pass it on to her children. Maybe she’ll even want to make it over as well, but I’m sure paisley will still be in style, or back in style.

Real Cheap Housewives of Texas


I most definitely like the after. It looks so cute. I’m sure that the baby dolls will love it, along with my children, who will probably end up sitting in it. (They tried it out while it was sitting in my craft room before the makeover.)

This was an easy fabric challenge for me. Just fabric and a staple gun, simple. I might venture into making some of those fabric flowers that Heather is addicted to making. I did see a cute wreath made with them.

What do you think? Did I do a good job with the fabric? Isn’t it cute?


Mother’s Day cleaning

I hope y’all had a great Mother’s Day! I had breakfast made for me, watched a movie with my 2 little boys, giggled with my sweet little girl and they gave me a beautiful new purse. It’s stunning and has purple accents! I love purple!

While I know most mothers relax on Mother’s Day, I suddenly felt the urge to do a “mother’s day cleaning” of the banisters of our stairs. I have been going up and down those stairs, noticing them getting dirtier and dirtier. I rarely have that “urge” so I ran with it. However, after going through the cleaning supplies, I found that I didn’t have any “all purpose cleaner”.
All purpose cleaner

  • spray bottle
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 2 TBSP dishwashing soap

Directions are very simple – mix it all together in the spray bottle. See, very simple.

I started cleaning with a paper towel, the graduated to a sponge and followed with a paper towel. Now, there’s a before and after picture. Don’t judge. Remember, I have 3 young children that go up and down these stairs at least 50 times a day.

Before and after cleaningI found a few “recipes” for this all purpose cleaner. I just went with the one I had all the ingredients for. Cottage Sweet Cottage is the one I chose to use. Big Box Detox also has one that’s similar. Any of these will work. I think it worked very well and I love my clean banisters

I finally used the white vinegar for what it SHOULD be used for instead of, I don’t know, plotting to seriously injure my husband.


A self-interview {Tarah}

A Selfie Blogger InterviewThe wonderful ladies at Texas Women Bloggers are kindly holding a “self-interview” link party. Since it’s the middle of Thursday, and I’m not being crafty or domestically active, I thought I’d jump on the wagon.

1. What part of the state do you call home?  The FW of DFW – we all know it is the better part of the DFW anyway. 😉

2. How long have you been blogging? Really actively blogging since July 2012

3. Why did you start blogging? What had happened was …A DIY conference attended by friends turned into THIS very blog.

4. What do you hope to get out of the Texas Women Bloggers community? Its always fun to have more friends, and even better if they’re Texas friends!

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 5 years, we may or may not still have this blog. BUT I will still have 3 children (they’ll be 10, 8 and 7 – holy cow.) and maybe my husband will make it another 5 years (I kid. maybe.)

6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why? Well, honestly? Melissa McCarthy. I’m not even joking. If you guys have ever seen her show, Mike and Molly, that’s totally me and my husband. TO a T.

7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die? I’m simple – travel to NYC and Chicago, run a marathon, visit all 50 states at least once, learn to swim like a pro (okay, not a pro, but decent), and keep my house clean (haha!)

8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why? I have a huge passion for children who are placed in foster care. I also have a huge passion for drug exposed/addicted newborns/children and preemie babies. I have no doubt most of my friends know this. It all holds a special place in my heart and I like to help others who need someone with that experience.

9. Describe one “wow” moment in your life. When a judge gave my husband and I a seal of approval for our first child. I looked at him, then Jody and then realized that I was then a “mommy” permanently and no longer “pretending” to be a mommy to children who needed one for a certain amount of time.

10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”? I would love to be someone that has no worries, whether it be money worries, family worries, etc. But alas, that will never happen. 🙂


Adventures with vinyl

Last week I tried something new – adventures with vinyl on my Cricut. It truly is a trial and error type of adventure. If I hadn’t bought some vinyl on Pick Your Plum for inexpensive, it would most definitely be an expensive one.

First let me say … I LOVE GOOGLE! I googled before putting the vinyl on my cutting mat. No, I didn’t google “how to put vinyl on the cutting mat”. I just wanted to be sure I didn’t get ahead of myself. Wonderful Google took me to YouTube, another great invention (entertainment and learning!). Google and YouTube brought me to a tutorial for cutting vinyl with the Cricut. Suzy’s Scrappin Spot has a list of tutes to view. I watched the one for cutting and then watched her cheat sheet tute. While her settings worked for her, they didn’t work for me, so I set mine differently. It’s good to know though!

Y’all remember the stool I painted at last week? I have finished it.

As we know, I don’t own a Silhouette. I have a Cricut. It works, I like it, I live with it.

Kitchen Helper Cricut


I went back and forth with that I wanted to put on the stool. I asked Heather to help decide between “Mommy’s helper” or “Kitchen helper”.

Her reply – “Kitchen helper. Mommy’s helper = valium” 

Kitchen Helper it is.

Kitchen Helper cut


After messing up the first try because I used the “cheat sheet” settings. after changing them up a bit, it worked. I went with a simple font and a simple color – black.

Kitchen Helper layoutOnce I had the extra taken off and thrown away. I cut the block and placed them where I wanted them. I figured little feet were going to be standing on this, it just needs to be simple.

Painters tape


Being a first timer at this, I didn’t know I needed transfer paper. Maybe I should do a little research first before starting something like this. But really? Who wants to do that? I like to fly by the seat of my pants sometimes.

Google also provided me with a substitute material for the transfer paper that I didn’t have. Did YOU know you needed yet another material for this vinyl stuff? Yeah, neither did I, unless of course then you did know and I’m clearly in the dark about this stuff. The substitute is …. painter’s tape! Shocking, I know.



I know this is hard to believe, but I have had a semi-FAIL. What makes this a semi-fail? Well since the kids have been “using”* it, the L has flattened out.

*read – getting the stool and getting their own snack, mommy’s tape measure, a banana … I could go on.

Kitchen Helper doneand we’re done. Super easy, super cute and they love having their own stool. Too bad they’ve moved Savannah’s into the laundry room to help with the laundry.



Kitchen helper

Now that my kids are growing like weeds and getting up there in age, they want to help with stuff (whether I want them to or not!) Heather has given all 3 kids these cute personalized stools. She got them from Ikea and then painted them. Each have their names and designs on them. Jaxon uses his stool in his closet to get his school clothes and Trent uses his stool to crawl into his bed. We’ve been using Savannah’s in the kitchen for whoever decides they want to help with lunch/dinner. Its time for her to take her stool to her room. Now we will have a “kitchen helper” stool specifically for the kitchen helper that night!

Last month we went to J’s parents and made a trip to Ikea in Round Rock. I love Ikea. I had 2 things on my “need to get” list and a few on my “if I see it, I might get it” list. I quickly picked up the stool I was there for, then continued to peruse.

stool before

Jody was nice enough to put this bad boy together for me. It was amusing to hear him talk to the picture only instructions. This little guy was only $14.99, easy and comes in handy.

Of course I didn’t leave it natural. That’s totally not something I would do.

CeCe Caldwell paint


I’m the only one of the 5 of us that has branched out from Annie Sloan and tried a competitor. I’ve had this can of CeCe Caldwell Chalk Paint for a while. I’ve used it on quite a few things (a potato bin and a queen size iron headboard). This paint truly goes a long way. Since the stool is going to be used in my kitchen, Spring Hill Green is perfect for it.

painted stool


BUT here’s the thing about this color – until you get the wax on it. It seems more pastel than bright. Also, I hate pastel. So.


Clearly, I’m the rebel of the group. Not only have a branched out from ASCP, I also went with some different wax. Everyone loves Home Depot and Lowes, and I do too, however, they are not conveniently located near me when I need to make a quick trip. And when I say “not convenient”, I mean it’s like 5 miles away and … let’s be honest, ain’t nobody got time for that when you only need 1 thing. We have a nice Ace Hardware located near us, and wouldn’t you know it, one of the employees loves to refinish furniture. He recommended Johnson’s Paste Wax. Its for floors, but works nicely on furniture.

dryingstoolI’m not patient. At all. Luckily, I was working on another project while waiting for the stool to dry. It dries quickly, so that’s always a good thing.

Aren’t quick little projects always great to get out of the way? There’s more to this little guy. You’ll see.


Pin There. Done That. Kids’ Artwork Storage {Whitney Edition}

I have been meaning to organize Logan’s artwork/paperwork for some time now. Especially now that he is in Kindergarten, the cute crafts and writing samples just keep pouring in. Everything has been scattered throughout my house–in the guest room, in the cabinets, in drawers, some of it on the walls as display. But still very scattered. And driving me crazy.

I saw this pin a long time ago and thought I re-pinned it. Apparently I did not, so I had to go back and find it again today.


logan folder

I was in need of a file storage box but I had a few hanging folders to at least get me started. After a quick (are they ever quick?) trip to Target, I was able to get started. I will say I am glad I started now–I can’t imagine going through everything after more than 5 years. Logan has already built up quite the stash. I will be starting one of these with the new baby ASAP.

2013-03-02 15.17.02I had a lot of artwork from before Logan started preschool–either done at home or with his sitter (from when I taught full-time), so I added a file for those years. (BTW, how much do you love this picture? Cracks me up everytime I see it!)

logan preschool

He went to 2 different preschools (one at age 3 and one at 4) but I combined them in one.

logan blurred

Ah, Kindergarten. This file has art, writing samples, report cards and other miscellaneous items I (or Logan) couldn’t part with.

2013-03-02 15.19.27And now it is ALL in one place. Nice and neat. It will go in his closet, easy to get to but out of the way.

All the printables I used for the front of the files are available here. There are also printable file folder labels, but I didn’t use those. I may go back and get some later and use them, but for now I will call it good.

I also made a file for all of Logan’s Santa letters. I have saved them since 2008 (the first year he could actually scribble). I will add hanging folders for every year and hopefully be able to keep it contained to one box–maybe that will be my goal so I can weed things out appropriately as we go along.

It feels really good to have it all organized and safe. My nesting phase has seemingly kicked in early and this satisfied that urge today.

Do you have your kids’ artwork organized? How have you done yours?

Also, see how Brittaney organizes her kids’ artwork here!


Pin there. Done that. {Yummy}

I’m always looking to change up our menu. Isn’t everyone? Truth be told, everyone in my house could eat the same thing every week. I’m the one that needs things to be changed. We have one night a week that I plan to have breakfast. The kids LOVE having eggs and bacon for dinner. Apparently it’s the “in” thing for preschoolers. I’ve been rotating a breakfast scramble and doing eggs/bacon/hashbrowns all separate. (The pin is at the bottom this week because I took some kicka$$ pictures and REMEMBERED to take the pictures.)

Breakfast casserole


Here’s the pin from Our Best Bites.


Since today is Valentine’s Day, here’s a dessert that would be great for that special someone, Better than “Playing Outside” Cake — It’s delicious, y’all! Make it. I’m serious.

And speaking of that special someone – don’t forget my “special” (that could be meant in SO many ways considering the link I’m about to post) someone is trying to purchase a bike for him and his friend to do bicycle rides together … on one bike. Our benefit – we get to laugh at their shenanigans and they’re perfectly fine with that. So giving and considerate of our funny bones and need for laughter.

AND … did you hear the news? Whitney is having another boy!! Check out her nursery plans!


Etsy {Fabulous Valentine’s Finds}

I’m currently biding my time before going to the gym. It’s not enough time to start a craft, really get into reading or cleaning because children are napping. I sat down at the computer and noticed I had a tab open for Etsy. Its been awhile since I did some fabulous finds on Etsy.

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Design Cayenne – Shabby Chic Valentine: How cute is this burlap heart-shaped wreath? I’m definitely a sucker for burlap and wreaths! Unfortunately, until I paint my front door, burlap won’t be used on it because you can’t see it. Big frowny face.

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Ant n Frog – Valentine’s garland: I know how to make garlands and I’ve even thought about doing this one. But I would have never thought to do it this way. There’s no need to always use words in garlands. I love the addition of red hearts.

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


PrintSmitten – Valentine’s gift bags: Wouldn’t these be cute to give to the classmates for your child’s preschool party? So simple and super cute!

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Little Sweetie Boutique – Valentine’s Chevron dress: I KNOW! It’s chevron. I hate chevron, BUT I love pillowcase dresses. I just went through Savannah’s closet and she’s has about 10. I’m not even kidding.

Source: etsy.com via Tarah on Pinterest


Vixen’s Empire – BOOBS!: I literally laughed out loud when I saw this, and laughed even more when I read the inside. I’m also the equivalent to a 13 year old boy sometimes.

I hope you liked my fun, fabulous finds on Etsy. Its always fun to look through and see how creative some people can be. I always end up saying “why didn’t I think of that” to myself.