Tag Archives: purple

Pretty! Purple!

The long awaited “AWESOME” post I was going to do on Friday. My child is now feeling much better and I have found time (at 10pm while watching the Rangers FINALLY WIN in a week). Last week we were childless. The kids went for a visit to the grandparents and I had a list a mile long of projects to get done. I had some furniture piling up in the garage (my $20 Craigslist find, my dumpster dive and a free dresser from a friend). I started off Monday morning with a list, some money and some paint colors in my mind.

Which piece did I want to start with first? Well, since I am planning on reselling the Craigslist find and the dumpster dive find, I started with the piece that was staying in my house – the dresser.
RCHOTX | dresser makeover

I desperately wanted a purple. Not just any purple, a deep purple. In case you don’t know, none of our favorite paints that we mention continuously have a deep purple. I took to Pinterest and found a “recipe” to make something similar with non-sanded grout and latex paint. I can report back that it worked wonderfully.

DIY paint

Before putting the paint on, I did do a light sanding on the dresser because of the finish it had. I wanted that paint to stick. It most definitely stuck, 2 coats of it. 2 coats = 2 cups worth of paint. I only bought a quart to begin with because I don’t need a whole gallon of purple paint. Want a gallon? Yes. Need? Not so much.

After the 2 coats dried, I moved onto the wax. I stopped by a local retailer and picked up some Maison Blanche dark antique wax.

MB dark wax

I’m not a very good “waxer”. It definitely requires a skill set and I’m getting there.

dark wax

While I waited for the wax to set and “cure”, I decided what I wanted to do with the hardware. I was sure I wanted a dramatic look for this dresser. I went to my paint shelf to check out my spray paint collection. Aqua, bright chrome and purple just weren’t going to work, but the can of black spray paint that wasn’t even half-full. I was quite hopeful it would be enough. I was wrong. A text with a picture to the husband asking nicely for another can of black paint, and viola! I was the proud owner of a full can of spray paint.

After the black dried, I just topped it with a clear protective coat. I may or may not have missed a spot on one piece of hardware that I didn’t see until I was completely done.

pretty hardware

Now, with the furniture refinishes I’ve done, I always find that there’s something I did wrong or that I don’t like. This piece though. This piece I absolutely LOVE. LOVE!

purple after

How could you NOT love that? Its beautiful and definitely perfect for the dramatic “big girl” room that I have planned in my head for Savannah. I sent a picture of it to Heather and her reply “Pretty! Purple!” which was the inspiration of the title. 🙂

DIY Show Off

I linked up with Project Inspire{d}!



I linked up with Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday!

Love that Gilded Pesto!

Who picks the color names for paint companies? Because seriously – Gilded Pesto? Good thing it is a pretty color, because the name is just plain dumb.


Brittaney texted me a picture of 2 chairs she found at a garage sale. $10 each. They were her mother-in-law’s chairs and crazy Betty was getting rid of them! (She’s gonna be really sad when she sees this post – sad and JEALOUS.) So duh, of course I want them.

Brittaney was “holding” them at her house, and Brittaney is not one to procrastinate – so I had to pick paint and fabric in a hurry once she mentioned working on the chairs. My husband works at a fabric store, so I asked him to text me pictures of gray-ish fabrics with a little bit of design/color. Poor thing sent me about 15 pictures, but none of them were doing it for me. God forbid I go in and look myself, right? Well, Brittaney happened to walk in at just the right moment, told me she found my fabric, and sent me a picture. That was it, I loved it, and I bought the rest of the bolt 2 days later (only about 5 yards, but still). I do not have any idea who designed or manufactured the fabric, but I could probably do some research and find out if you want to know.

Since green is my favorite color right now, of course I decided to paint the chairs green with a high gloss paint. I will just say that the dudes at Lowe’s were less than helpful, which was disappointing. We had some simple requests and they treated us like we were idiots, but we know we’re not and that’s all that matters, right? I finally got my precious paint, Brittaney got hers, and we were outta there!

I have learned to always, always, ALWAYS take a picture of the paint label just in case!

The most exciting part about this project is that I got to use a paint sprayer for the first time! I’ve been spoiled and I just really don’t care if I never pick up a paintbrush again. Okay, not really, but for furniture – if you can, spraying is the way to go.

I primed the chairs first, even though I purchased paint that supposedly had primer in it. I just wanted to make sure it covered well, and sanding is for suckas. (I will only use Zinsser 1-2-3 Primer. It’s awesome.)

Jack had to get in on the spraying action too. What a big helper!

While the paint was drying, we got to work on the seat cushions. Did you know that an electric knife is a great way to cut through foam? My husband actually told me that when I told him we were working on the chairs! He’s good for something every once in a while. I purchased 1-inch thick high-density foam for the seat pads (the old ones were just busted). It worked out perfect. Don’t hate on the 1973 avocado green electric knife. You work with what you’ve got, people.

We used some spray adhesive to secure the foam cushions to the wooden seat base (the bases were in good shape – someone had redone them previously – so we kept that part). After that, we whipped out the staple gun (dang, I love that thing) and covered the cushions!

THEN, as if that wasn’t enough, Brittaney whipped out some pillowcases to use for some 12×16 pillows I bought to set against the back of the chair. She used a velvety fabric that matched perfectly – a pretty gray/purple/taupe color. She made me buy that fabric too. We have very similar taste, thank heavens! (I’ll let her do the tutorial on the easy pillowcases she has become so fond of).

After that, I screwed the seat cushions into the chairs, and that was it! Of course, this took about 2 days total (had to let the paint dry thoroughly before I put them in my car to take them home) but that’s not too shabby.

This has to be one of my very favorite makeover projects I’ve ever done. Thank you, Brittaney, for all of your help! I’m glad I have you here to push me out of my comfort zone.

HookingupwithHoHshabby creek cottage
PhotobucketbuttonOne Artsy MamaAdorned From AboveFurniture Feature FridaysKeep Calm

Pin there. Done that. {wk 1}

Hey y’all! I hope the first week of school (for many) has gone by fantastically. My oldest, Jaxon, started Pre-K at the elementary school for 2 1/2 hours in the mornings. In true boy style, when asked how he liked it, his answer was “It was fine. I colored, I had a snack and we talked about the color red.” That’s all I got folks. That’s all I got. Some days I can’t get him to stop talking, some days I don’t have that problem.


I’m sure all y’all know about Pinterest. If you don’t, well, then I don’t think we can be friends. Totally kidding. If you do know about Pinterest, then I hope you’re following my boards and the rest of the girls’ boards. If you’re a follower of mine (you better be!), then you’ll see my “Pin there. Done that.” board. Its the board that I “pin” things I’ve tried from Pinterest. Pretty self-explanatory, I think. I started it awhile back to really keep track of what I’ve done. My way of being organized. AND also gave me the fun idea for Thursdays around this place.

We’re going to get interactive up in here on Thursdays. I’ll be selecting a pin either from what I have already pinned, or finding another pin to do try out. I’ll post the link to the original (crafts, recipes, decor, etc) and posting a picture of my version. This is where you, my fine friends, come in. I want y’all to participate! I want to see your version of the pin I choose. I’m asking you to bombard my email with pictures of your beautiful work, and I’ll share your version on the following week. Pretty simple? I think so.

I have found so many good and wonderful things. Its hard to decide which to do first, but alas, I found one that I had all the supplies for.

I followed the basics for the most part. Char from Crap I’ve Made used batting and fabric. I went a different route and chose to use scrapbook paper from my small (LARGE) stash that I have. I tend to stay away from anything that involves fabric for crafting.

All items were thrifty treasures.
$2 for the frame and $2 each for the large flatware

I will tell you, I did this project at night … outside … by the light of the security lights on my house. I love a little adventure and hoping I don’t miss any spots that need paint. It was F.U.N.

Bright purple = my favorite color!
I didn’t do too bad for awful to no light.

This is clearly a project going into the kitchen. For Christmas and my birthday, I received some Fiesta in Shamrock, Plum and Peacock. I decided I wanted to stray from my norm of black and *insert any color*, and went crazy with my 3 favorite colors (purple, green and aqua).

Second coat done

After a trip to the Orange store, I came out with some of the brightest purple Valspar spray paint I could find. I did 2 solid coats, then did some touch up when I was in real house lighting, meaning the garage. I let these dry forever at least 48 hours and found the perfect paper to go with it. I mean, I do have a small (who am I kidding at this point?) collection of paper in my craft room.


A little measuring of the paper, cutting and then using my best friend, Mod Podge to put the bright green polka dots in their place! (The little bubble came out, in case you’re wondering. I know you all see it and are kind not to point it out!)

Finally done!
These are large serving pieces.

And then the final decision – where am I going to put it?? I have a few walls to put things on, its more about what should be seen. I texted a picture of the breakfast nook to my BFF to help decide the exact place for this beauty to rest.

Ignore the dirrrty table

We, meaning Lindsay (previously mentioned BFF) and I agreed the giant fork and spoon were going to be replaced. Before its mentioned – yes I have an obsession with oversized flatware, apparently. The giant fork and spoon will also be painted BRIGHT ASS PURPLE as well.

Freshly hung on the wall

This wall art was one of my first Pinterest pins. I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while and I’m so glad I was finally able to do it. It’s extremely simple to do.

Do you think YOU can do it? (we think you can!) Let’s see what you can do. I want to see YOUR version of this project! Email me your pictures to t@rchotx.com (yes, you read that right, I’m awesome and only need a “t” for my email address. don’t be jealous!) Next week I’ll post pictures of your versions. Don’t be afraid, we don’t bite or judge … too much.